Date: Sunday, October 30, 2011
Time: Noon
Location: Tucson, AZ
Short Course Yards
239 days to Olympic Trials
10x100 on 1:40
1-5: 75 choice/25 free with 2 breaths
6-10: IM drill
3x150 on 2:30
50 back/50 breast/50 free aerobic (averaged 1:55)
3x150 on 2:20 free descend to 90 percent (descended to 1:30)
8x25 breakouts on :45
100 breast fast from push (1:01.79)
4x50 choice easy on 1:00
6x50 free on 1:00 breathe every 5
100 back fast from push (55.89)
10x50 choice easy on 1:00
100 IM fast from a push (56.48)
10x50 choice easy on 1:00
4x25 free fast with short fins on :40 (held 11 seconds each 25)
200 easy (with stretching)
Total: 4,200 yards (90 minutes)
Lots of fast swimming today! With five weeks to go until my taper meet, I needed this workout. I wanted to make sure I was fully recovered from my illness and that the stroke techniques I have been working on each day were falling into place.
On my 100 breast, I took seven strokes per 25. I freaked out on each length, because I normally take eight strokes per 25. I thought maybe I was going too slow or gliding too long. The majority of the time -- when I wasn't freaking out -- I was working on the new kick Tako taught me on Friday. I believe that is what helped me reduce my stroke count. I was able to ride the kick a little better, because I was getting more out of it. Five months ago, Tako made me realize that I wasn't keeping my legs together at the end of my breaststroke kick, and now he's shown me how to get more power from my legs. At this rate, watch out Brendan Hansen! (Just kidding.)
I feel like I've neglected my backstroke so much this fall. Putting an emphasis on breaststroke has made me feel like my backstroke is suffering, though today's swim was a reminder that it's doing OK. I still have problems veering to my left, and I think it has to do with the weaker back muscles on my left side. I'm optimistic that things will straighten out in a few weeks.
I was very excited to do the 100 IM, but my timer (my partner, Geoff Glaser), decided to have a lengthy conversation, and I didn't want to be rude and interrupt them. At the time, I thought the extra rest would be fine, but as two minutes turned into five, I started to worry that my muscles would get tight. And they did. My stroke was a little forced on butterfly and part of backstroke, and everything came together on breatstroke (seven strokes again!). The time is pretty good.
The barometer I use for short course yards fast swims from a push is that they should be about five tenths faster than my short course meters tapered goal time in that event. I'm a little slower on the 100 breast, but on target on the 100 back and 100 IM.
Today was one of the few solo workouts that I was sad to see end. I actually thought about doing another 100 IM to see what it would feel like with more awake muscles, but I figured it was best to end on a high note. I might have swum slower!
Today was a good setup for the rest of this week. I'm getting ready for what should be a very tiring week in and out of the pool, but all in all, it should make me a better swimmer.
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